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If people no longer expect objectivity from their political and legal systems, then all justice will be reduced to a power struggle between conflicting and irreconcilable perspectives, a struggle in which the most dominant and pervasive bias will replace fair and impartial process as the character of justice. But if objectivity in law and politics is everywhere supplanted by conflict between subjective interests, then the side of economic privilege and established authority will always retain dominance. A society in which people no longer expect representatives of its major institutions even to attempt to render objectivity in their professional demeanours is a society whose major institutions are in a crisis of ethical legitimacy. In such a society, there is wide spread cynicism regarding the possibility of fair political process because it seems impossible that impartial, unbiased dispositions could exist to enact such processes.
Robert Nicholls
Language and Logic
Friday, March 22, 2013
Mandarin Need Cited as Feds OK'd 95 Chinese Miners
Mandarin Need Cited as Feds OK'd 95 Chinese Miners
One Brave First Nation Stands up to FIPA
"WE STAND TOGETHER" are First Nations and Canadians supporting each other in a First Nations legal challenge against the Canada China FIPA. Through your donations, we will work to protect the rights of all Canadians.
Northern Gateway panel tangled in complex web of aboriginal rights, title
Enbridge cleanup may cost $1-billion, company warns
VIDEO: Vancouver's Dilbit Dilemma
Is Alberta bitumen as safe to transport as any other crude? Watch this.
UN World Water Day: Canada’s Water at Risk
"Since then, the situation has grown worse with the "Conservatives’" aggressive promotion of the extraction industries, leading to the end of credible environmental assessments, the gutting of the Fisheries Act, and the virtual elimination of the Navigable Waters Protection Act (to push through communist pipelines) – which leaves the great majority of our lakes and rivers vulnerable to development."
Federal budget cuts undermine Environment Canada’s mandate to enforce clean air regulations: emails
Another Alberta Family Flees Oil Sands Pollution
Outrage About Coal Mountaintop Removal in Tennessee By Chinese Company
Google Explains Why The Future Of Energy Is Green
Servers in Canada linked to FinFisher spyware program
"The discovery of FinFisher servers in countries run by authoritarian governments — such as Turkmenistan and Ethiopia — have raised further questions about the company's practices."
How New ACTA Internet Lockdown Measures Are Coming to Canada
"The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), once believed dead, is back from beyond the grave, and could criminalize and otherwise restrict your use of the Internet by overwriting our copyright rules."
Let's come up with a plan to stop international agreements from restricting Internet freedom
"New Internet restrictions are currently being developed through multiple international "trade" agreements that could significantly restrict and potentially even criminalize your everyday use of the Internet. We know from past campaigns that we win when the Internet community reaches out and engages a critical mass of citizens in the cause."
What the media is missing: Government privacy breaches
Electoral fraud in Canada
Pipeline whistleblower receives national award
What's Holding Back High-Tech Oil Sands Cleanups?
Fish Farm Dangers
Less than half of Liberal supporters register to vote for next leader
BC Has Plenty of Room to Raise Taxes