People of the world, don't let this happen to your country.
We must create a strong democracy that is capable of both defending itself from any world power, and defending the civil liberties that make our society worth fighting for. Our freedom is attacked by land and sea. By corporate traitors and foreign tyrants. The National defense of our peoples, is the common cause of humanity. May one day compassion replace greed as the governing force of the universe. May one day the cultural degradation of our soul be replaced by renewed vigor of will to defend the ancient code. The wise man built his house upon the rock.
HD Mining Offers Unions a Deal in Open Letter
" The case has been an open pit of controversy since it was discovered by the United Steelworkers union the company had listed Mandarin as a language requirement in job advertisements.
Labour groups contested that was done to eliminate Canadian candidates so the company could be granted Labour Market Opinions supporting their case for foreign miners for smaller wages. "
Montreal cop cars vandalized at protest against development of northern Quebec
" They had been protesting at a job fair that was designed to promote opportunities in the natural resources sector.
Police declared the gathering illegal as soon as it began. Authorities said they did so because no route for the march had been given to police beforehand.
A small number of protesters, some carrying sticks and rocks, broke away from the main mob and moved toward the convention centre where the job fair was taking place. They pounded on the windows of the convention centre and someone began spray-painting the words, "Idle No More." "
Jobs, homes, trade all suffer setback in dark day for Canadian economy
" OTTAWA - The Canadian economy was hit by a triple dose of bad news Friday as three major indicators — jobs, exports and housing starts — all tumbled in unison to cast doubt on an expected rebound in economic growth this winter and spring. "
Two Chilling Developments Suggest Asia May Be One Step Away From War
" China and Japan, along with North and South Korean troops at the DMZ, appear one step away from armed combat and tensions don't look likely to ease any time soon. "
Inside the Ring: Blunt warning on China
" “They now regularly challenge exclusive economic-zone resource rights that South Korea, Japan, the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia and Vietnam once thought were guaranteed to them by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea,” he said.
The Chinese naval harassment expanded outward over time to cover most of the South China Sea and East China Sea. "
EDITORIAL: China’s provocative acts are raising the risk of a military clash
" Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera revealed Feb. 5 that a Chinese warship locked its fire-control radar on a Japanese destroyer operating in the East China Sea last month. In doing so, the Chinese vessel essentially signaled it was preparing to open fire. "
North Korea set for test launch of new mobile ICBM with upcoming nuclear test
" intelligence agencies monitoring North Korea for signs of a third underground nuclear test recently reported that the isolated communist state appears set to conduct the first test launch of a new road-mobile ICBM built with Chinese technology. "