The basic idea is that political repression is a cost on human society. So much human potential lost because some crazy dictator somewhere thought that personal power over human society is worth more than human life. We now have a communist dictatorship expanding it's power over the world.
Under chinese communist rule none of us will be safe. We not only resist for the principals of freedom, democracy and love for one another, we resist for the sake of our very existence.
Canada is a primary target of the regime, they have their sights set on the resources.
Understand that this regime has killed millions of it's own people, they will have no mercy for us.
Harper Government encourages the use of Chinese state owned Huawei technology in Canadian communications networks.
National security concerns raised over Huawei technology used by Telus, Bell, and Wind.
CBC covered this one. I guess that why Harper hates Canadian Public Television so much.
Van Cleave says the intelligence community fears digital “back doors” could be hidden in the telecommunications networks, allowing spies to steal American and Canadian secrets and ultimately disrupt everything from public utilities to military operations in the event of international conflict.It was revealed last month Public Safety Canada warned foreign telecom ownership is a ‘considerable risk’. It was only last year the Federal Government was target in a cyber attack originating from China, that compromised computers within the Finance, Treasury Board and Defence Research departments. The CBC obtained documents that revealed hackers stole large amounts of classified data before the systems were taken offline.
(Did any of you catch the news that for the past 5 years or so Canada has left the door wide open to Chinese cyber attacks. Apparently our cyber security team only works 9 - 5 Ottawa Time. Here's one Link to the National Post coverage.
"but the centre has yet to operate on a 24/7 basis as originally intended, auditors found. The government has committed to expanding hours of operation to 15 hours a day"
Here's another link, The Canadian Governments 40 hour cyber security work week.
Did you here Vic Toews excuse, technology has changed so fast we can't keep up.
Another link cbc.
Currently, the U.S. and Australia has barred Huawei from bidding on major telecom contracts in their respective countries, on the notion the Chinese firm poses a potential security threat. Some have accused Huawei of being engaged in espionage for the Chinese government, which the company has denied."
Have you seen this: Canadian and Chinese governments meet in secret, will not spill the details.
Why will the government not tell us what hell is going on.
How many alarm bells need to sound before you realize we are being targeted.
So lets take stock of a few of the the events of this past year,
Harper meets in secret with Communist Propaganda Minister, (Globe and Mail)
Harper government proposes bill for mass warrentless surveillance,
Harper government accused of election irregularities,
Labour group slams mass importation of Chinese workers for B.C. coal mines Vancouver Sun
Keep your eyes open. And keep coming back to this site.
I'll have more for you If your ready to listen.