Russia’s Police State
Rule Of Law Still Anemic In Russia
Drunken Nation: Russia’s Depopulation Bomb
China Floods May Be Sign of Wider Problems

Smile! Aerial images being used to enforce laws
Google has joined Verizon in lobbying to erode net neutrality
Judge's ruling uproots use of biotechnology beets
Bosnian court confirms genocide indictment

Amid drug-war weariness, Felipe Calderón calls for a debate on legalisation
Shifting battle lines bring violence to new parts of Mexico
Colorado agency blows off law restricting money for illegals
Underneath Lebanon, Israel sees hidden battlefield
No More Debt!

Hey Ayatollah, leave those kids alone
Video Link^
Pink Floyd anthem rewritten for young Iranians
"images of everyday life in Iran appearing in between shots. In the Islamic Republic, playing and listening to rock music is illegal."