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If people no longer expect objectivity from their political and legal systems, then all justice will be reduced to a power struggle between conflicting and irreconcilable perspectives, a struggle in which the most dominant and pervasive bias will replace fair and impartial process as the character of justice. But if objectivity in law and politics is everywhere supplanted by conflict between subjective interests, then the side of economic privilege and established authority will always retain dominance. A society in which people no longer expect representatives of its major institutions even to attempt to render objectivity in their professional demeanours is a society whose major institutions are in a crisis of ethical legitimacy. In such a society, there is wide spread cynicism regarding the possibility of fair political process because it seems impossible that impartial, unbiased dispositions could exist to enact such processes.
Robert Nicholls
Language and Logic
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Shanghai Expo Intensifies Chinese Regime's Crackdown of Falun Gong
Former Chinese Prison Official Reveals the Dark Side of the System
Shifting Sands in the Gulf: The Iran Calculus in China-Saudi Arabia Relations
Missile Developments in China, India and Pakistan: A Burgeoning Missile Race
Confessed Spy Convicted of Exporting U.S. Crypto Gear to China
Case of Death in Police Custody Still Alive 10 Years On
China’s CPI Increases as Food Prices Soar
Junta Hampers Water Aid
Russia developing new anti-missile system, S-500
Russia to sell Syria warplanes, air defense systems
Syria, Hizballah are building a massive wall in eastern Lebanon
Iran expands enrichment facility
Europe Only Postpones Its Day of Reckoning
Bomb explodes in Greek courthouse
Thai Army Cites ‘Live Fire Zone’ as Clashes Continue
Former Mexico presidential candidate missing
Candidates threatened in local Mexico elections
Amnesty? Bureaucrats already drawing up plan to implement
Google grabs personal info off of Wi-Fi networks