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"Victory will never be found by taking the line of least resistance." Winston Churchill

If people no longer expect objectivity from their political and legal systems, then all justice will be reduced to a power struggle between conflicting and irreconcilable perspectives, a struggle in which the most dominant and pervasive bias will replace fair and impartial process as the character of justice. But if objectivity in law and politics is everywhere supplanted by conflict between subjective interests, then the side of economic privilege and established authority will always retain dominance. A society in which people no longer expect representatives of its major institutions even to attempt to render objectivity in their professional demeanours is a society whose major institutions are in a crisis of ethical legitimacy. In such a society, there is wide spread cynicism regarding the possibility of fair political process because it seems impossible that impartial, unbiased dispositions could exist to enact such processes.

Robert Nicholls

Language and Logic

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Rare footage smuggled out of Tibet exposes chinese communist occupation forces oppressing Tibetan protesters. It doesn't take much for the chinese to haul you off, torture you and execute you.

Geithner 'open' to China proposal

Fed begins move that could sink dollar

Pentagon Questions Growing Chinese Military Power

E.U. President Blasts Obama's Economic Policies

Is Hungary the Financial Crisis' Next Iceland?

Russia seeks to weaken US, West: NATO general

Russia Moving From Conflict-Solving To Conquest-Guaranteeing in Transnistria

Detained American Journalists Seen as Leverage for North Korea

Tibetans Stage Farm Boycott

Behind South Africa's Snub of the Dalai Lama

Hamas accused in Lebanese assassination

Secret summit to target bin Laden

Obama’s involvement in Chicago Climate Exchange--the rest of the story


News March 24 09

No cheerleader for propping up greenback at G20 summit

Intel agencies warn of danger during G20 meetings

Rights Group: China Cracks Down on Dissenters

S. Africans Angered by Decision to Deny Visa to Dalai Lama

Justice, Supremes confirm getting eligibility challenge


News March 23 09

China: End the Greenback as Reserve Unit

China calls for new reserve currency

China Arrests Monks in Attack

New video of torture exposes Chinese brutality in Tibet

Video Confirms Chinese Regime’s Use of Extreme Violence in Tibetan Protests

Chinese Ex-Spy Speaks Out

Iran Has Started a Mideast Arms Race

Poland Hopes Obama Doesn't Abandon Them, Missile Shield

Lebanon bomb kills PLO official

Eastern Europe's Economic Crash

House adopts plan for mandatory 'volunteer' service corps

Report: 'Global warming' simply no longer happening