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If people no longer expect objectivity from their political and legal systems, then all justice will be reduced to a power struggle between conflicting and irreconcilable perspectives, a struggle in which the most dominant and pervasive bias will replace fair and impartial process as the character of justice. But if objectivity in law and politics is everywhere supplanted by conflict between subjective interests, then the side of economic privilege and established authority will always retain dominance. A society in which people no longer expect representatives of its major institutions even to attempt to render objectivity in their professional demeanours is a society whose major institutions are in a crisis of ethical legitimacy. In such a society, there is wide spread cynicism regarding the possibility of fair political process because it seems impossible that impartial, unbiased dispositions could exist to enact such processes.
Robert Nicholls
Language and Logic
Saturday, December 19, 2009
chinese Currency Manipulation
The End of Chimerica
Link to PDF of paper
My thoughts:
If it was in china’s leaderships perceived interest to correct the value of its currency it would have done it by now.
For the most part a good article, however I disagree with Mr. Ferguson’s statement that it is in both America and china’s interest that proper revaluation take place. From a western perspective it is in everyone’s interest the trade imbalance be corrected, but from an eastern perspective this government policy of imbalance is in line with eastern interests, that being the collapse of the modern international financial architecture and by extension western dominance. Why else would the chinese maintain such a policy for so many years when it is obvious what the results would be. Mr. Ferguson lists china’s suggestion that the international reserve currency be changed from the dollar to IMF Special Drawing Rights as evidence that china is concerned about American fiscal policy, he fails to recognise the realist mercantilist worldview the boys in beijing subscribe to. To the chinese a devaluation of the value of their foreign exchange reserves and temporary increase in unemployment is a price they are willing to pay to severely damage the American economy and turn Pax Americana on its head. The chinese policy of unsustainable sustained global imbalances is intentional and the cheapest way to wage war in the twenty first century. For decades in chinese policy papers an emphasis has been made on asymmetric warfare, a strategy first outlined in the centuries old text the art of war. These people wrote the book on war and for thousands of years have been perfecting the methods of imperial conquest. In the past 60 years a small hand full of evil geniuses, the latest communist dynasty, has mastered how to control over a billion people with the realisation of the ultimate modern police state. Their ambitions are not restricted within their borders, but rather global. If it was in china’s leaderships perceived interest to correct the value of its currency it would have done it by now. They know exactly what they are doing, they have been doing it for years. You cannot compare their model of export driven growth with Germany or Japan because both those nations are American allies and are under the American security umbrella. They had incentive to correct imbalances to maintain stability of the international system. china has no interest in a permanent Pax Americana as America is their chief rival. The Chimerica marriage is an exploitation of western liberal naiveté. Instead of becoming a responsible stakeholder in the international political economy beijing has fattened itself at the expense of said institution in preparation for a great leap outward. The west over the years is one by one giving away the keys to the store. How long will our policy makers wait until taking decisive action to correct this global imbalance? Until the keys to the commanding heights are under new management? Let us hope Uncle Sam has one last ace up his sleeve. If not, our window of opportunity to turn things around is closing as history passes us by. We must cause an implosion of the communist state. Rising propaganda induced chinese nationalism and the all powerful modern police state apparatus make grass roots political revolution unlikely. Political instability in china must be brought about by external economic coercion. We must throw a wrench in the chinese economic machine.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Chinese occupying forces crackdown on Uyghurs

Since 1949 East Turkestan has been occupied by chinese communist troops.
The region which the chinese government has renamed xinjiang is rich in oil and natural resources. Like in Tibet, the chinese government has been bringing chinese people in to the region to settle while eliminating the idiginous population so as to eventualy absorb the region as as another part of china's modern day Authoritarian Empire.
Chinese Police Shoot Uighur Protesters in Xinjiang
Death Toll Unknown in Uighur Massacre
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Wednesday, April 1, 2009

China’s Industrial Policies Hurting U.S. Industries and Workers
Chinese Regime Tightens Control of Uyghurs
Chinese Nuclear Tests Caused at least 750,000 Deaths
Rights Activist Is Attacked Outside Home in Moscow
AIG chiefs pressed to donate to Dodd
Massive ammo shortage in US
March 30 2009
Russia, China cooperate on new currency proposals
Another Tibetan Monk Beaten to Death by Chinese
CCP Occupiers in Tibet: Arrests and Rape
Riots Occurring More Frequently In Chian’s Hainan Province
Anti-China tensions on the rise in Australia
Alarming News: Bank Losses Spreading
Warships set sail ahead of N. Korean rocket launch
Iran missile experts in North Korea 'to help with rocket launch'
Iran Ups Support for Gaza and Lebanon Hardliners
Sudan's wanted president welcomed at Arab summit
Afghanistan plan lacking, McCain says
Friday, March 27, 2009

Japan OKs deployment of missile defense system
Opening Salvos of a New Gas War: Russia Versus the EU and Ukraine
Russia Building New Nuclear Submarines
Analysis: Iranian nuclear threat, Hamas and Hizbullah rockets pose great challenges in '09
Hezbollah Using Mexican Drug Routes Into U.S.
With Eye Against Iran, Arabs Wooing Syria
U.N. 'Climate Change' Plan Would Likely Shift Trillions to Form New World Economy
New cameras in police cruisers can analyze thousands of license tags a day
YouTube protest star summoned to White House over content
Obama raised cash after leaving Senate
Thursday, March 26, 2009

Eligibility lawyer says Homeland Security shadowing him
'Mandatory youth service' bill advances in US
Chinese Military Surrounds Tibetan Town
Navies Deploy Warships As N. Korea Threatens Missile Launch
Uyghur Economist Silenced in china
Thai Officials Move to Quash Dissent in Book, Newspaper
Thai Officials Sent Hmong refugees Home, Some Flee
Rahm Emanuel's profitable stint at mortgage giant
Federal criminal complaint contends Obama ineligible
Obama Facing Democratic Defections
Economy Shrank at 6.3 Percent Rate at End of 2008
Iran is only months away from building a nuke, has ballistic warhead capability
IAF airstrike in Sudan hit convoy of weapons destined for Gaza
Hamas source confirms Sudan convoy attack
Crisis Hits Czech Republic
U.S. Puts $11M Bounty on Three al-Qaida Terrorists
Saudi Arabia: Senior Al-Qaida Leader Surrenders
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Rare footage smuggled out of Tibet exposes chinese communist occupation forces oppressing Tibetan protesters. It doesn't take much for the chinese to haul you off, torture you and execute you.
Geithner 'open' to China proposal
Fed begins move that could sink dollar
Pentagon Questions Growing Chinese Military Power
E.U. President Blasts Obama's Economic Policies
Is Hungary the Financial Crisis' Next Iceland?
Russia seeks to weaken US, West: NATO general
Russia Moving From Conflict-Solving To Conquest-Guaranteeing in Transnistria
Detained American Journalists Seen as Leverage for North Korea
Tibetans Stage Farm Boycott
Behind South Africa's Snub of the Dalai Lama
Hamas accused in Lebanese assassination
Secret summit to target bin Laden
Obama’s involvement in Chicago Climate Exchange--the rest of the story
News March 24 09
No cheerleader for propping up greenback at G20 summit
Intel agencies warn of danger during G20 meetings
Rights Group: China Cracks Down on Dissenters
S. Africans Angered by Decision to Deny Visa to Dalai Lama
Justice, Supremes confirm getting eligibility challenge
News March 23 09
China: End the Greenback as Reserve Unit
China calls for new reserve currency
China Arrests Monks in Attack
New video of torture exposes Chinese brutality in Tibet
Video Confirms Chinese Regime’s Use of Extreme Violence in Tibetan Protests
Chinese Ex-Spy Speaks Out
Iran Has Started a Mideast Arms Race
Poland Hopes Obama Doesn't Abandon Them, Missile Shield
Lebanon bomb kills PLO official
Eastern Europe's Economic Crash
House adopts plan for mandatory 'volunteer' service corps
Report: 'Global warming' simply no longer happening
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009

Chinese Ships Harass U.S. Navy Vessel
China ups security on eve of key Tibet anniversary
NKorea puts troops on alert, warns of war danger
N. Korea warns intercepting 'satellite' will prompt counterstrike
Iran test-fires new missile
Israel Intel Chief: Iran Has 'Crossed Threshold'
Polish president: Missile defense should go ahead
Global Slump Could Trigger Unprecedented Chaos
Controlling Carbon a Bureaucrat’s Dream
Wikipedia scrubs Obama eligibility
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Financial woes don't stop Russia funding new nuke weapon systems
Kant Air Base and Russia's Strategic Planning in Central Asia
Slideshow: Chinese Forces Swarm Tibet
Petitioners Targeted During Major Meetings
Police Violently Attack Villagers Protesting Land Expropriation
Iranian bomb possible in a few months
Iranian Authorities Detain U.S. Journalist
Troops Assassinate President of Guinea-Bissau
Senate ignores McCain, keeps thousands in earmarks
Congressman: Audit the Fed's books
British PM calls for 'Global New Deal'
U.S. soldier gagged on prez's eligibility
Monday, March 2, 2009

Dow Closes Below 6,800; Lowest in 12 Years
UN Inspector: Iran, Syria Both Hiding Nuke Programs
Hariri Tribunal Worries, Elates Lebanese
Cuba Shakeup Ends Any Chance of Reform
President of Guinea-Bissau said to be killed by soldiers
Economic Catastrophe Propels Russia into an Identity Crisis
More military officers demand eligibility proof
Sunday, March 1, 2009

Iran has Enough Nuclear Fuel to Make Bomb
Wen Warns Economic Crisis Spreading in China
Pennsylvania Company Discovers Marine One Security Breach
Economic & Financial Markets Forecast 2009: Collapsing Global Financial System
Gates: U.S. Military Can Help Mexico in Drug War
UN Promises Justice in Lebanon's Hariri Trial
Mitt Romney: Democrats' Pet Liberal Projects Will Bankrupt Nation
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
Tibet Monk Shot by Chinese Police After Setting Himself on Fire
Canadian Fighters Chase Russian Bomber On Eve of Obama Visit
The danger of economic contagion in eastern Europe
North Korea Readying Rocket
President Calderon: We Are Not Losing Control of Mexico
Economists: Obama Budget Too Rosy

Hillary's old Chinese pals
Obama intel pick works for Chinese government
Tibetan Monks in Protest March
3 People Set Themselves Afire to protest in Beijing
Tibetans Skip New Year
The late, great state of Taiwan
Georgia Prepares to Repel Russian Aggression
Russia focuses on upgrading its nuclear arsenals
Putin's "Power Vertical" Doesn't Leave Other Ties to Keep Russia Together
Iran makes first test-run of Bushehr nuclear reactor
New Israel killer drone can take out Iran's S-300 anti-air missile
Bombed Syrian reactor now missile base
Violence Breaks Out Along Bangladesh's Frontiers
Jailed Burmese Reporter Honored
North Korea says satellite, neighbours think missile
Army manual raises emphasis on electronic warfare
Budget sees $1.75 trillion deficit
Recession, bailout, stimulus: US security threats
Democrats buried mortgage scandal under the rug five years ago
Power Plays in the Indian Ocean
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Clampdown Ahead of Tibet Anniversaries
ANALYSIS-Infrastructure left to rot may cripple Russia
Russia's New Energy Doctrine
As it falters, East Europe raises risks
N. Korea Says Launch Imminent — of Satellite or Missile
Iran-Israel Nuclear End Game Now Much Closer
Saturday, February 21, 2009

Activists shocked at Clinton cave in on China human rights
Beijing imposes crackdown in Tibet
Signs Point To New Russian war on Georgia this summer
Russian Agents gun down Chechen dissident in Vienna
Al-Qaeda founder launches fierce attack on Osama bin Laden
Syria rebuilding chemical weapons capability
Official: S. Korea to Retaliate if N. Korea Attacks
Yemen could be headed for total collapse
Cost of security for 2010 Olympics rises to $900 million
Total cost of operating the Games is $1.7 billion
GeoEye-1 Satellite Attains Full Operational Capability Certification
Friday, February 20, 2009

Iran holds enough uranium for bomb
Obama, Clinton Cave in to China
China Starts Investing Globally
Taiwan, China Negotiating a Landmark Free-Trade Agreement
China Psychiatric Abuse
N. Korea Ready to Test Fire Missile in Days
Kyrgyzstan issues eviction notice to key US base
States prepare to combat stimulus strings
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

New Tibetan Protests Erupt
Chinese County Locked Down After Tibet Protests
Possible Cave in on Burma Policy
North Korea running secret nuclear plant
Fed says economy even worse than thought
Emerging global elite to use new global media to educate 'global citizens'
Global Elite call for new internet control
Friday, February 13, 2009

China Needs U.S. Guarantees for Treasuries, Yu Says
China to Create Blacklist of Local Journalists
Underground Opposition Party Advocates Democracy in China
Demonstrators Rally In Beijing to Oppose Corruption
Russia Admits China Illegally Copied Its Fighter
Bulgaria's "Overgas," a Russian Spy in Canada, and Gazprom
Report: N. Korea Preparing Massive Long-Range Missile
Iran bulldozes the mass graves of political prisoners
Feinstein comment on U.S. drones likely to embarrass Pakistan
Europe's industrial base may never recover from crisis
As Vacant Office Space Grows, So Does Lenders’ Crisis
Census battle intensifies; GOP leader threatens lawsuit
President's attorneys demand birth, college records be withheld from public
Thursday, February 12, 2009

Russia's Coming War with Georgia
Fujian City Warned Over Unrest
China's January Exports Plunge 17.5 Percent
N. Korean leader displays his power with military shakeup
Chávez Erecting Obstacles for Foes Who Won Office
Official: Mumbai Attack Partly Planned in Pakistan
Freedom of speech trampled in Britain
Video: One with Courage (Tank Man)
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Report: N. Korea Moving Missile Equipment to Site
28 die after bombers and gunmen launch attack on Afghan government
Azerbaijan's air force chief killed
Is Russia making mischief for U.S. in Central Asia?
69 computers missing from nuclear weapons lab
Chavez: Lech Walesa Unwelcome in Venezuela
British ban on Dutch MP triggers diplomatic row with Holland
Wind Turbines Do Nothing for Emissions Reduction
State lawmakers demand eligibility documentation from Obama
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Monday, February 9, 2009
Saturday, February 7, 2009

China hammers dissent despite looming UN review
From the Depths: China Invests in Submarines
Report: N Korea Testing Ballistic Missile
Danish jets repel Russian bomber breach
Economic Crisis Causes Spike in Crime in Russia
Europe's New Wave of Toxic Debt
Why the Talk Has Turned to Depression
Palestinian Authority: Hamas used Gaza hospitals as detention centers
Pakistan frees nuke salesman Khan
Spies Form Virtual Units on The Fly to Track Terror
US Fed borrowing could reach $4 trillion
McCain blasts Obama over spending
Lawmakers in 20 states move to reclaim sovereignty
Friday, February 6, 2009
Israel on the verge of conflict with Syria
Turkish Warplanes Hit Kurdish Rebels in Northern Iraq
UN Halts Aid to Gaza, Cites Hamas Disruption
China increases submarine patrols
Details of Tibet Protests Emerge
Russia To Start Up Iran Nuclear Plant This Year
What happens when Iran goes nuclear?
Dangers in Khan's Release
Kyrgyzstan Says Decision to Close US Base Is Final
U.S. Military Seeks Lighter Vehicles, Gear for Afghanistan
MBDA Develops New Bunker-Busting Bomb
MIT researchers make 'sixth sense' gadget
Bill forces citizens to submit DNA