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If people no longer expect objectivity from their political and legal systems, then all justice will be reduced to a power struggle between conflicting and irreconcilable perspectives, a struggle in which the most dominant and pervasive bias will replace fair and impartial process as the character of justice. But if objectivity in law and politics is everywhere supplanted by conflict between subjective interests, then the side of economic privilege and established authority will always retain dominance. A society in which people no longer expect representatives of its major institutions even to attempt to render objectivity in their professional demeanours is a society whose major institutions are in a crisis of ethical legitimacy. In such a society, there is wide spread cynicism regarding the possibility of fair political process because it seems impossible that impartial, unbiased dispositions could exist to enact such processes.
Robert Nicholls
Language and Logic
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Friday, December 7, 2007
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Sunday, November 25, 2007

Fear exposed: Iran poised to destabilize Lebanon
Iranian VP: We've successfully produced nuclear fuel pellets
Secret Files Prove Saddam Had WMD
September 2007 updates: Hussein and terrorism
China Jails Tibetan Nomad For Eight Years After Dalai Lama Protest
Cellphone Tracking Powers on Request
U.S. Tests Anti-IED Laser
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Saturday, November 10, 2007
CBC A Division of China Central Television & media outlet for the Chinese Communist Party in Canada
By OnTheWeb: Clive Ansley Friday, November 9, 2007
On Tuesday, November 6, CBC television was scheduled to show a documentary entitled “Beyond the Red Wall”. This film focuses on the vicious persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China, highlighting the illegal nature of the persecution, the use of torture, and the horrific fact that Falun Gong practitioners are today being slaughtered on demand to facilitate theft of their organs and resale of those organs to foreign “organ tourists”. David Kilgour, co-author of the comprehensive report which sets out the evidence of this “new form of evil on the planet”, is interviewed on the film. Also featured are Zhang Kunlun, a McGill University professor and Canadian Citizen who, on a visit to China, was thrown into a Labour Camp and tortured for three years, solely because of his Falun Gong beliefs.
Former Justice Minister, Irwin Cotler, is also described as “speaking passionately” about the persecution of Falun Gong. I am also interviewed in this film on the subject of the Chinese “judicial system”, or lack thereof, my call for a boycott of the 2008 Olympics, and the collaboration of the Chretien and Martin governments with the perpetrators of the worst atrocities the world has seen since the days of the Third Reich in Germany.
CBC had purchased this documentary from its producer, Peter Rowe, last March. Subsequently, it required Rowe to edit the film, primarily to delete certain charges against the Chinese government and to allow more extensive comment on Falun Gong by Chinese diplomatic officials.
Rowe complied and CBC management gave final approval to the edited version last spring. For weeks, CBC had been promoting the film.
Hours before it was to air, CBC pulled the film and replaced it with a re-run whitewash of Pakistan’s dictator.
Spokesmen for CBC lied about the reasons for the recall to a series of inquirers. One story was that there were “contractual issues”. Not with the producer, there weren’t. All contract issues between him and CBC had been finalized long ago. If there is a contractual issue, it consists solely of the fact that CBC has the Canadian contract for televising of the “Bloody Harvest Olympics” in Beijing next year. There is little doubt that Beijing threatened our national broadcaster with loss of this contract in the event that CBC were to allow Canadian audiences to view “Beyond the Red Wall”.
A second version was that the crisis in Pakistan pre-empted Peter Rowe’s film and that Pakistan was of immediate topical interest. That lie is particularly transparent. The crisis in Pakistan was almost a week old. Urgent up to the minute coverage could have been injected at any time. The film shown hardly touched the current crisis; it was an old film, essentially covering a dinner party conversation in which the dictator’s mother enthused about how he had always exhibited “leadership qualities”, even as a child, and the dictator himself was allowed to praise his own benevolence without challenge.
The truth is that Chinese diplomatic officials had contacted CBC, and had employed at least one long known Chinese Communist Party Agent to orchestrate a campaign against showing the film, which they denounced as “all lies”. How they could know this is unclear since no one has yet seen the film. CBC itself has acknowledged the intervention by Beijing, but has said only that it decided to ask for further editing after “it had become clear over the last 24-36 hours” that there was a great interest in this film.
It is common knowledge that China’s media is totally controlled by the Chinese state and the Chinese Communist Party. For the past 8 years the Communist Party has used its media monopoly to vilify Falun Gong; Falun Gong practitioners, in contrast, have been totally stifled and have never had any means of replying to the spurious charges of the Beijing dictatorship. The Chinese media has regularly charged that the teachings of Li Hongzhi, founder and leader of Falun Gong, have led to widespread crimes by Falun Gong adherents in China, including murder, mass murder, suicides, infanticides, and rape.
But strangely, the teachings of Li Hongzhi would appear to have these toxic effects exclusively on disciples resident in China. Today, there are hundreds of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners in North and South America, Europe, Africa, Australia, and other countries of Asia. But for some strange reason, the only Falun Gong practitioners ever charged with “crimes” outside of China are three women practitioners convicted in Singapore of passing out literature without a permit.
Human rights advocates the world over lament the Beijing government’s consistent suppression of accurate news reports in China, and its determination to ensure that Chinese citizens never receive fair and accurate information about Falun Gong. Now it is apparent that Beijing has the power to approve or disapprove what is broadcast by news services in democratic countries. CBC is apparently quite comfortable with the idea that what Canadians are allowed to see or hear should be determined by the Chinese Communist Party in Beijing.
Clive AnsleyPresident of CIPFG/Coalitiion to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong
China Country Monitor Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada
306-576 England Avenue, Courtenay, BC
Tel. 1-250-792-3547 or 250-334-3586
Yahoo isn't the only villain
(Peter Navarro, Los Angeles Times, 11/9/2007)
Which company has committed the greater evil? Yahoo Inc. helped send a reporter to prison by revealing his identity to the Chinese government. Cisco Systems Inc. helps send thousands of Chinese dissidents to prison by selling sophisticated Internet surveillance technology to China.
If bad press is to be the judge, the "stool pigeon" Yahoo is clearly the bigger villain. In 2004, after the Chinese government ordered the country's media not to report on the 15th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square protests, journalist Shi Tao used his Yahoo e-mail account to forward a government memo to a pro-democracy group. When China's Internet police -- a force of 30,000 -- uncovered this, it pressured Yahoo to reveal Shi's identity. Yahoo caved quicker than you can say Vichy France, and Shi is doing 10 years in a Chinese slammer for one click of his subversive mouse.
For ratting out Shi, Yahoo Chief Executive Jerry Yang has been dragged before Congress, called a "moral pygmy" and forced to issue an apology. In contrast, Cisco and Chief Executive John Chambers have received little public scrutiny for providing China's cadres of Comrade Orwells with the Internet surveillance technology they need to cleanse the Net of impure democratic thoughts.
Cisco is hardly alone in helping China keep the jackboot to the neck of its people. Skype, an EBay Inc. subsidiary, helps the Chinese government monitor and censor text messaging. Microsoft Corp. likewise is a willing conscript in China's Internet policing army, as Bill Gates' minions regularly cleanse the Chinese blogosphere. Google Inc.'s brainiacs, meanwhile, have built a special Chinese version of their powerful search engine to filter out things as diverse as the BBC, freeing Tibet and that four-letter word in China -- democracy.
Business executives have justified their actions with a "when in China, do as the Chinese do" defense. To do business in China, these executives insist, they must comply with local laws. But China's local laws often force executives to make moral and ethical choices that would be intolerable in the West.
The broader problem is that American business executives have little training in how to deal with ethics in a corrupt and totalitarian global business environment -- blame U.S. business schools for that. As a result, moral horizons tend to be short, and executives who find themselves in the heat of a battle don't know where to draw the line, which is what happened to Yahoo.
Some executives also trot out the "constructive engagement" defense. This too-clever-by-half idea is that companies such as Yahoo, Microsoft, Skype and Cisco are actually pro-democracy elements because they are helping build China's Internet. Even though these companies collaborate through self-censorship and assist with Internet surveillance, the greater effect is to build free speech -- or so the argument goes.
What's missing from the American corporate perspective is this bigger picture: The collaborative tools that U.S. corporations provide to spy on, and silence, the Chinese people are far more likely to help prop up a totalitarian regime than topple it.
With American corporate help, China remains the world's biggest prison. As reported by the Laogai Research Foundation, millions of dissidents languish in Chinese-style gulags known as laogai, and thanks in part to U.S. corporations, their numbers are growing.
In addition, human rights abuses are both systematic and endemic in China. From Catholics and Muslims to the Falun Gong, from pro-democracy voices and investigative journalists to the Free Tibet movement, the penalty for being caught for banned religious or political expression is arrest, beatings and sometimes death.
For all these reasons, it is ultimately shortsighted to single out Yahoo for the kind of behavior now common to many big U.S. companies operating in China. That's why we need to have a much bigger discussion about how to engage economically and politically with China. It's also why the proposed Global Online Freedom Act, which would make it unlawful for U.S. companies to filter Internet search results or turn over user information, should not be viewed as a magic bullet but rather as the start of that debate.
Peter Navarro is a business professor at UC Irvine and the author of "Coming China Wars."
Article: LA Times
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Media Manipulation
Credit for the video goes to "dearpeter"
Here's the original story, I saved the text file before the story was re-written.
Daily Mail UK
Burma: Thousands dead in massacre of the monks dumped in the jungle
Thousands of protesters are dead and the bodies of hundreds of executed monks have been dumped in the jungle, a former intelligence officer for Burma's ruling junta has revealed.
The most senior official to defect so far, Hla Win, said: "Many more people have been killed in recent days than you've heard about. The bodies can be counted in several thousand."
Mr Win, who spoke out as a Swedish diplomat predicted that the revolt has failed, said he fled when he was ordered to take part in a massacre of holy men. He has now reached the border with Thailand.
Meanwhile, the United Nations special envoy was in Burma's new capital today seeking meetings with the ruling military junta.
Ibrahim Gambari met detained opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi in Rangoon yesterday. But he has yet to meet the country's senior generals as he attempts to halt violence against monks and pro-democracy activists.
It is anticipated the meeting will happen tomorrow.
Heavily-armed troops and police flooded the streets of Rangoon during Mr Ibrahim's visit to prevent new protests.
Mr Gambari met some of the country's military leaders in Naypyidaw yesterday and has returned there for further talks. But he did not meet senior general Than Shwe or his deputy Maung Aye - and they have issued no comment.
Reports from exiles along the frontier confirmed that hundreds of monks had simply "disappeared" as 20,000 troops swarmed around Rangoon yesterday to prevent further demonstrations by religious groups and civilians.
Word reaching dissidents hiding out on the border suggested that as well as executions, some 2,000 monks are being held in the notorious Insein Prison or in university rooms which have been turned into cells.
There were reports that many were savagely beaten at a sports ground on the outskirts of Rangoon, where they were heard crying for help.
Others who had failed to escape disguised as civilians were locked in their bloodstained temples.
There, troops abandoned religious beliefs, propped their rifles against statues of Buddha and began cooking meals on stoves set up in shrines.
In stark contrast, the streets of Rangoon and Mandalay - centres of the attempted saffron revolution last week - were virtually deserted.
A Swedish diplomat who visited Burma during the protests said last night that in her opinion the revolution has failed.
Liselotte Agerlid, who is now in Thailand, said that the Burmese people now face possibly decades of repression. "The Burma revolt is over," she added.
"The military regime won and a new generation has been violently repressed and violently denied democracy. The people in the street were young people, monks and civilians who were not participating during the 1988 revolt.
"Now the military has cracked down the revolt, and the result may very well be that the regime will enjoy another 20 years of silence, ruling by fear."
Mrs Agerlid said Rangoon is heavily guarded by soldiers.
"There are extremely high numbers of soldiers in Rangoon's streets," she added. "Anyone can see it is absolutely impossible for any demonstration to gather, or for anyone to do anything.
"People are scared and the general assessment is that the fight is over. We were informed from one of the largest embassies in Burma that 40 monks in the Insein prison were beaten to death today and subsequently burned."
The diplomat also said that three monasteries were raided yesterday afternoon and are now totally abandoned.
At his border hideout last night, 42-year-old Mr Win said he hopes to cross into Thailand and seek asylum at the Norwegian Embassy.
The 42-year-old chief of military intelligence in Rangoon's northern region, added: "I decided to desert when I was ordered to raid two monasteries and force several hundred monks onto trucks.
"They were to be killed and their bodies dumped deep inside the jungle. I refused to participate in this."
With his teenage son, he made his escape from Rangoon, leaving behind his wife and two other sons.
He had no fears for their safety because his brother is a powerful general who, he believes, will defend the family.
Mr Win's defection will raise a faint hope among tens of thousands of Burmese who have fled to villages along the Thai border.
They will feel others in the army may follow him and turn on their ageing leaders, Senior General Than Shwe and his deputy, Vice Senior General Maung Aye.
Here is a link to the re-written story
Lesson: whenever investigating online, save all important information to your hard drive,
then back up your important files, if necessary make multiple copies to distribute to your contacts in case you are compromised, if possible re-publish the information.
Live Free Or Die Trying
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Monday, October 1, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Burma (Myanmar) Protests

The dictatorship of Burma opened fire upon pro-democracy protesting monks today. As the bloody bodies lay cold in the streets and the protesters are dragged away to prison, word has gotten out that government forces have targeted and are now attacking monasteries across the country. I have seen this over and over all across the world. The murder of freedom fighters across the world will continue and there is not a lot we can do since none of our leaders have the balls to do anything about it. All we can do is remember, this infectious oppression is spreading, and one day we may face it in our own lands, for the future is clouded
and we the people are the only force that can preserve the human spirit.
When our dawn rises we will stand and we will fight.
I feel I have seen too much of this never ending oppression,
as it weights down upon my soul, at times i must look away.
The prison camps are more full than usual tonight,
and it tears upon my soul to know the torture chambers are the same.
In a world of injustice, pain and death. Hope seems but a memory.
Yet not forgotten.
Live Free or Die Trying.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Another Clinton Donor Scandal Emerges
Missing Chinese Uranium Poses Serious Threat
China Pulls Plug on Internet Data Centers Ahead of Party Congress
Organ Theft Deemed 'Most Serious' Human Rights Issue
CCP Sends 2000 Armed Police to Quell Future Tibetan Riots
Racial Violence Breaks Out in Shandong Province
China Hacked into Pentagon Computer Network: Report
Invisible arms race: The internet balance of power
Serbia threatens to use force if West recognizes Kosovo
Burmese Protests Spread, Leading Activist Flees to Safety
Georgia/Russia Missile Row Prompts OSCE Envoy Plan
News Saturday Aug. 18 2007
Russia Orders Long-Range Bomber Patrols
BBC radio ordered off Russian FM
Russia Delivers Air Defense System to Syria: Report
Russia: Is Coercive Psychology Staging A Comeback?
China: Media Chokehold Tightens Before Party Congress
Serbia Proposes Return of Security Forces to Kosovo
Breaking the Darkness: Sacred Flame of the Human Rights Torch Relay Lit in Athens
Canadian Bar Association Recognizes David Matas for Human Rights Work
Iranian government clandestinely supporting Taliban: Afghan officials
Philippines teeters on brink of total war
Fifteen Allies Submit Motion Backing Taiwan's Bid to U.N.
U.S. Considers Putting Eritrea on Terrorism List
U.S. Army Awards Contract To Develop Truck-Mounted Laser Weapon
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Thursday, August 16, 2007
China's Damaged Goods
Arms, Energy and Commerce in Sino-Russian Relations
Chinese Preparations for "Peace Mission 2007" Complete
Russia, China and allies play war game
China, Russia, Central Asian Leaders Meet in Security Summit
U.S.: China Must Be Transparent on Naval Buildup
India Plans to Build Roads, Airfields Along Disputed China Border
Tibetan Protesters Withdraw Amid Threat of Force
China Begins Media Crackdown
Big Brother jumps onto world scene from Shenzhen, China
Oil, China and Auto Parts Push Trade Deficit Up
Suitcase of cash shows Chávez's ways
Chávez’s Bid for Russian Arms Pains U.S.
Rev. Guards Sanctions Could Have Big Impact
World stocks plunge ahead of Wall Street open
Mega-terror threats add to market woes
World Markets Dip on U.S. Credit Jitters
U.S. to Harness Spy Birds for Domestic Use
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Sichuan Authorities Impose Deadline to End Tibetan Protest
Boycott Beijing 2008, Say Activists
Recalled: 255,000 Chinese tires
Canada Backs Taiwan's Push for Role in WHO
Georgia Calls On World To Condemn Russian Missile Attack
Russian Bomber Revives Long-Haul Mission
Russia's strategic aviation holds tactical exercises in Arctic
Musharraf Decides Against Emergency
Ex-Ambassador Predicts Political Turmoil in Pakistan
Al Qaeda cells scattering against U.S. offensive
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
China Detains Six For Tibet Great Wall Protest
Investigators Release Report on CCP Organ Harvesting
China threatens 'nuclear option' of dollar sales
Power Pact: Hu's Symbiotic Relations with the PLA
SCO Prepares for Exercise; China Stretches Its Legs
Human Rights Torch to Be Lit to Protest 'Bloody Olympics'
Hundreds Protest in China Over Jailed Tibetan Monk
Tibetan Protest Swells in China's Sichuan
Can Communist China Control Its Toxic Exports?
Georgia Accuses Russia Of Act Of Aggression
Russia: Activist Sent To Psychiatric Unit After Exposing Health Facilities
Russia Activates Missile System Around Moscow
And Now, the UN Cash-for-Visas Program?
Taliban Try Frontal Assault
Pakistan On The Precipice
Iran Shows Off Home-Grown Fighter Jet
Turkey, Iraq Agree to Cooperate on Kurdish Rebels
Saturday, July 21, 2007

Mahmud Ahmadi-Nejad’s Council of War
Russian Bombers Spotted Again Over North Sea; Fighters Scramble
Report: UAE Could Be First Arab Nation To Send Troops to Afghanistan
Chen Applies for Seat in U.N. under Taiwan
China's deadly scheme to harvest organs
An Open Letter to the President of The United States
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Map of Airbase
Filling of China's Strategic Oil Reserves Apparently Delayed
Education, Employment Top Concerns for Tibetan Youth
Britain expels 4 Russian diplomats
Pakistan Bomb Kills 10 Ahead of Rally
Poll: Iranians Reject Regime's Agenda
New Hamas kids' character praises 'jihad'
Captive Nations Week July 15-21,2007
Troops See Progress, Grow Weary of Negative Reports on War
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Russia withdraws from arms treaty
China Still Big on Slave Labor, Pollution
Over One Thousand Villagers Riot in Zhanjiang City
Uyghur Girls Forced Into Labor Far From Home By Local Chinese Officials
Farmers in Heilongjiang Province Call for 'Human Rights, Not Olympic Games'
Shanghai activist dies hours after medical parole
China's Exploitative Cotton Factory
Less Freedom of Press in Hong Kong, Says Report
Nicholas Young, Maurice Strong, China
Schoolgirls in the gunsights of the Taliban
Teheran continues nuclear activities
France's Villepin Could Face Criminal Charges
27 Cuban boat refugees arrive at Florida island
Robot Air Attack Squadron Bound for Iraq
U.S. Army Seeks Better Protective Plates
Conrad Black and the politics of justice
America good! Al-Qaida bad!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Chinese Farmers Say No to Olympics
Update: Organ Harvesting
Small City in China Imprisons 670 Falun Gong Practitioners
Tortured Chinese Dissident Goes on Trial
Chinese Authorities Close Tibetan Literary Web Site
Syria preparing for communications cutoff
Jumblatt: Syria trying to destabilize Lebanon
Radical Cleric Killed at Pakistan's Red Mosque
Iran Building Tunnel Near Nuclear Site: Satellite Image
Another Iran 'adulterer' stoned to death
U.S. Navy Sends Third Aircraft Carrier Near Iran
New Icebreakers To Defend Canada’s Arctic
Coast to Coast july 1/07 China Threat audio
Sunday, July 8, 2007

Lebanon 'to erupt in 1 week'
'Mideast war this summer'
Pakistani Rebel Cleric Urges Islamic Revolution
Red Mosque in Pakistan holds kids hostage
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad silences his critics
N. Korea Close To Making New Missiles Operational
China’s New Missile Submarine Seen By Satellite
Japan Makes Missile Defense Shield a Priority
Nuclear Messages
More U.N. corruption
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Hong Kong Marks Anniversary Amid Fears For Press Freedom
China's Slavery Scandal Reveals Weaknesses in Governance
New Zealanders Considering Call For Olympic Boycott
Launch of a new campaign about Beijing Olympics
China Cut Pollution Deaths from World Bank Report
Memorial to Victims of Communism All But Ignored by Mainstream Media
Is the Constitutional and Democratic West Fit for Survival?
The '96 Clinton China-Gate scandal media ignored
N.Korea tested advanced missiles: U.S. general
Japan PM seeking leeway to shoot down missile for US
Terror plot hatched in British hospitals
Same Men Behind Attacks
Secret Document: U.S. Fears Terror Spectacular Planned
Iraqi Cabinet Approves Draft of Oil Law
News from the front: Al Qaeda beheads Children
Nothing Short of Victory
U.S. Develops New Weapons
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
China Confiscates Muslims' Passports
Iran fuel rations spark anger, pump stations burn
Turkish Army Chief Insists on Incursion Into Iraq
Syria Sending Arms Across Border: Lebanese PM
Venezuelans March for Free Speech on RCTV Anniversary
Putin to welcome Chávez in Moscow
Report: Japan to Move Officers With Foreign Spouses
Tony Blair Appointed as Middle East Peace Envoy
Maryland Professor Creates Desktop Supercomputer Prototype
Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Castro's Spies Still a Threat
Afghan Boy: Taliban Recruited Me to Bomb U.S. Troops
Chavez to head to Russia, Belarus, Iran
Oil Industry Faces Reliability Problem, Not Supply
How to Stop Iran
Online Media Keep Up Pressure on China's Propaganda Czars
China Launches $1 Billion African Trade Fund
Cheap Chinese tires blamed for fatalities
Chinese honey now reported among import dangers
Monday, June 25, 2007
Murdoch’s Dealings in China: It’s Business, and It’s Personal
Sudan, China: Darfur Crisis Sparks Louder Calls For 2008 Olympics Boycott
No standard safety regs with Beijing on food, drugs
Sweden, too, worried about China imports
US Apple Growers Brace for China Rivals
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Update: China-Gate Scandal
Update: Organ Harvesting in China
General: China taking on U.S. in cyber arms race
China: blind human rights activist physically mistreated in Shandong prison
US Senate worried about Chávez, China and drugs in Latin America
Political prisoner in China denied family visits
Mining Sparks Clash in Tibetan Area of Sichuan
Russian Aerospace Makes a Come-back
Iraq's 'Chemical Ali' Sentenced to Hang
Hezbollah's Terrorist Threat to the European Union
House OK's increasing Cuba democracy aid
Goodbye Tony
Hacker Penetrates Pentagon E-Mail System
GD Pitches Ground Laser to Protect Aircraft From Missiles
Full Hillary 'smoking gun' video released
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
CIPFG's Plan to Stop CCP Organ Harvesting
More lead-poison toys from China recalled
Report: N. Korea Fired Short-Range Missile
Syro-Iranian massacre of Lebanese Politicians
Report: Russia Sells Jets to Syria
Iranian Opposition Vows to Step Up Fight Against Tehran
UN Rights Council drops Belarus, Cuba monitors
Robot Soldier MULE Self-Navigates Around Obstacles
CNN Polls Tied to Hillary Donor
On the Flaws of Multiculturalism
Saturday, June 16, 2007
America prepares for 'cyber war' with China
China’s 2007 Military Training Guidelines and the PLA’s Evolving Approach to Military Training
China Changing 'Status Quo': US Defense Official
China Military Commander Advocates Offensive Strength
CHINA: Journalist joins lawsuit against Yahoo! Inc.
U.S. Tightens Controls on Military-Use Items to China
Victims of Communism Memorial Dedication
Victims of communism roundtable discussion
Taiwan Approves P-3 Orion Buy
Hamas Takes Control of Gaza
Radical Islam's "End-Game"
US Launches New Offensives in Baghdad
Arrest over U.N. oil-for-food bribes
Disabled in North Korea Confined to Homes, Expelled From Capital
Venezuela may buy Russian submarines
Austria detains 2 Russians for espionage
The Role of Foreign Trainers in Southern Thailand's Insurgency
Military Tests New 30mm Air Burst Munition round
Monday, June 11, 2007

Iran Threatens Regional War
IAEA Warns of Atomic Risk From Iran
Officials: Iran, Syria orchestrated raid on Jewish state
Gunfights in Lebanon siege camp after 17 killed
North Korean Counterfeit Operation Suspected
U.N., U.S. Trade Accusations on North Korea Program
China Drafting Space Law
China Must Stop Forced Evictions
Human Rights abuses in China
Olympic firms 'abusing workers'
Florida company recalls toxic China toothpaste
China products choke, burn, drown, drop, trap Americans
U.S. paper industry pins hopes on China sanctions
China, nuclear technology, and a US sale
Taiwan Eyes U.S. Military Refueling Planes
Taiwan Signs US$5 Billion in Purchase Agreements with U.S.
Success for Sarkozy Sets French Reform Path
Watchdog slams Google on privacy
Pelosi's Hypocrisy Exposed
Friday, June 8, 2007

New York State Assembly Hosts: 'Exposing Organ Harvesting in China'
China works against practitioners of Falun Gong through North American news media
Let Us Choose Life Today
Victims of communism finally remembered
Russia to increase personnel, aircraft at Kyrgyz air base
Iran Says it is Holding 4th Dual Citizen
U.S. Treasury Bans 4 Iran Firms Over Weapons Role
Report: Olmert offers Golan Heights to Syria
Turks home in on Kurdish militants
The end of the plug? Scientists invent wireless device that beams electricity through your home
Mars rover finds "puddles" on the planet's surface
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Fifth Family Member Pleads Guilty in Scheme to Export U.S. Defense Articles to China
China exports lead poisoning
Seafood imports from China raised in untreated sewage
China Jails Holdout Couple Who Tried to Self-Immolate
North Korean Missile Launch Draws U.S. Criticism
Iran Adding Attack Boats in Persian Gulf
Syria ready for war
Hamas and Fatah Forces Clash in Gaza
Venezuela Calls for Leftist Defense Bloc
Turkey Weighs Cost of Military Action In Northern Iraq: Analysts
Turkish Raids Into Iraq Worry U.S.
US gives Filipino informants $10m
Three ETA terrorist suspects arrested in south France
Good news: Immigration Bill Suffers Stunning Defeat
InfoUSA's Gupta Bows Out of Hillary Fundraiser
The Great Media Scandal Keeps Getting Greater: TWA 800
Wednesday, June 6, 2007

History's worst mass killer gets Hollywood makeover
Call for Organ Theft to Top the APEC Agenda
Keep Up Pressure on China, Says Former Top Aide on Anniversary
House Urges China to Press Sudan over Darfur
Young clerk let Tiananmen ad slip past censors: paper
President Bush praises Rebiya Kadeer as a human rights defender
Taiwan Ruling Party to Stir China with Three Referenda
Press Freedom Group Cites Hugo Chavez as 'Grave Danger'
Venezuela students spur protest movement
Iraq: No Evidence of Turkish Troop Invasion
Turkey: Troops Crossing Into Iraq
Iran caught 'red-handed' shipping arms to Taliban
Iranian Opposition to Hold Paris Confab
The Syrian-Jihadi "Highway" in Lebanon
Naming names: The Saddam-al Qaida connection