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"Victory will never be found by taking the line of least resistance." Winston Churchill

If people no longer expect objectivity from their political and legal systems, then all justice will be reduced to a power struggle between conflicting and irreconcilable perspectives, a struggle in which the most dominant and pervasive bias will replace fair and impartial process as the character of justice. But if objectivity in law and politics is everywhere supplanted by conflict between subjective interests, then the side of economic privilege and established authority will always retain dominance. A society in which people no longer expect representatives of its major institutions even to attempt to render objectivity in their professional demeanours is a society whose major institutions are in a crisis of ethical legitimacy. In such a society, there is wide spread cynicism regarding the possibility of fair political process because it seems impossible that impartial, unbiased dispositions could exist to enact such processes.

Robert Nicholls

Language and Logic

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Stand up to Communist China /------------------- Vote Trump in 2012

Donald Trump has stepped forward to proclaim he is considering a run for the Presidency of the United States in 2012. One of his primary stances is that the United States must stand up to China as China has been economically exploiting the United States for decades. Mr. Trump has stated he will defend American interests and put in place sound economic policies that will prohibit China from exploiting America. He is the only presidential candidate so far to dare to publicly stand up to the increasingly aggressive Chinese regime.

21 Reasons Why Donald Trump Is Right – China Is Just Ripping This Country Like Nobody Has Ever Ripped Us Before

China's economic war on America biggest since world war two

China voices fury over Nobel Peace Prize for Civil Rights Activist

China Tightens State Secrets Law